Calculate your body mass index
The World Health Organization (WHO) later classified the BMI values. Thus, underweight, normal weight and overweight (obesity) indicate BMI values from under 17.5 to 39 and over.
We all know that it is not always easy to assess your own weight correctly. The BMI value is intended as a guide. At Verival, we are breakfast fans and we are convinced that porridge for breakfast will help you optimise your BMI.
Below you will find all the information you need about body mass index (BMI), what it means exactly and how you can improve your well-being and achieve your ideal weight through healthy eating and exercise.
Is my BMI within the normal range? Am I underweight, at a healthy weight or overweight (obese)? Am I too fat or too thin? This tool for men and women tells you quickly and free of charge what your weight-to-height ratio is. Try it out and calculate your BMI!