Frühstück für Kinder

Breakfast for children

A healthy breakfast is particularly important for children, as it provides them with enough energy for the whole day. We'll show you how to make a delicious breakfast for your children that is both healthy and tailored to their needs.

Breakfast for children

Das ideale Frühstück für Kinder - auch für echte Frühstücksmuffel

The Ideal Breakfast for Children – Also for Rea...

Especially on weekdays, time is often short in the morning. Every extra minute can disrupt the plan. However, taking time for a healthy breakfast is crucial. A balanced, high-fiber breakfast...

Alexandra Wiesinger

The Ideal Breakfast for Children – Also for Rea...

Especially on weekdays, time is often short in the morning. Every extra minute can disrupt the plan. However, taking time for a healthy breakfast is crucial. A balanced, high-fiber breakfast...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Snacks für Kinder

Snacks for kids: The 4 best recipes for snacks ...

Snacks for children at school can often be nerve-wracking for parents. Without a doubt, it is definitely important that children eat breakfast or at least take a healthy snack with...

Dominik Wendl

Snacks for kids: The 4 best recipes for snacks ...

Snacks for children at school can often be nerve-wracking for parents. Without a doubt, it is definitely important that children eat breakfast or at least take a healthy snack with...

Dominik Wendl
Rezept Frühstücksmuffins Kakao Banane Titelbild

Recipe – Breakfast Muffins with Cocoa and Banana

Not only can children be delighted with these simple, yet delicious, breakfast muffins without added sugar, but they are also sweet enough for children, thanks to the natural sweetness of...

Anna Lechner

Recipe – Breakfast Muffins with Cocoa and Banana

Not only can children be delighted with these simple, yet delicious, breakfast muffins without added sugar, but they are also sweet enough for children, thanks to the natural sweetness of...

Anna Lechner
Rezept beerige Crunchy Riegel mit Kokos Titelbild

Recipe: Berry Crunch Bar with Coconut

It is important for children to start the day healthy and balanced. The Verival Berry Child not only makes these crunchy bars wonderfully berry-flavored but also provides the little ones...

Anna Lechner

Recipe: Berry Crunch Bar with Coconut

It is important for children to start the day healthy and balanced. The Verival Berry Child not only makes these crunchy bars wonderfully berry-flavored but also provides the little ones...

Anna Lechner
Rezept: Schoko Knusper-Frühstücksmuffins

Chocolate Crunchy Breakfast Muffins

These muffins are perfect for breakfast for children or as an afternoon snack. The chocolate crunchy muffins contain no refined sugar at all. The sweetness in the muffins comes from...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Chocolate Crunchy Breakfast Muffins

These muffins are perfect for breakfast for children or as an afternoon snack. The chocolate crunchy muffins contain no refined sugar at all. The sweetness in the muffins comes from...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Gesundes Müsli für Kinder - was du darüber wissen solltest

Healthy Cereals for Children – What You Should ...

The first meal of the day should be as varied as possible so that a healthy breakfast does not become boring for children. Additionally, everything should go quite quickly in...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Healthy Cereals for Children – What You Should ...

The first meal of the day should be as varied as possible so that a healthy breakfast does not become boring for children. Additionally, everything should go quite quickly in...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Porridge für Kinder - ein gesunder Start in den Tag

Porridge for Children – A Healthy Start to the Day

Porridge for children is a popular, delicious and extremely healthy breakfast. You can make porridge yourself or benefit from a ready-made porridge recipe. Choosing the right food for children is...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Porridge for Children – A Healthy Start to the Day

Porridge for children is a popular, delicious and extremely healthy breakfast. You can make porridge yourself or benefit from a ready-made porridge recipe. Choosing the right food for children is...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
3 gesunde Frühstücksrezepte für Kinder die schmecken!

3 Healthy Breakfast Recipes for Children – They...

A healthy and balanced breakfast is the best way to start the day. This also applies to your children. However, not every child loves healthy food. To ensure that your...

Alexandra Wiesinger

3 Healthy Breakfast Recipes for Children – They...

A healthy and balanced breakfast is the best way to start the day. This also applies to your children. However, not every child loves healthy food. To ensure that your...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Frühstück vor dem Kindergarten - Ernährungs-Ratgeber für Kinder

Breakfast Before Kindergarten – Nutritional Gui...

For children to enjoy breakfast without protest or persuasion, they must enjoy breakfast. And above all, it doesn't have to be lavish. But how do you spread a good mood...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Breakfast Before Kindergarten – Nutritional Gui...

For children to enjoy breakfast without protest or persuasion, they must enjoy breakfast. And above all, it doesn't have to be lavish. But how do you spread a good mood...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Zuckerfreies Frühstück für Kinder

Sugar-Free Breakfast for Kids?

Of course, every child loves greasy sweet nut nougat cream, sticky cornflakes, and sugared strawberries for breakfast. Admittedly, if the morning has to be quick and there is no time...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Sugar-Free Breakfast for Kids?

Of course, every child loves greasy sweet nut nougat cream, sticky cornflakes, and sugared strawberries for breakfast. Admittedly, if the morning has to be quick and there is no time...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Haferflocken - Das ideale Frühstück für Schulkinder

Oatmeal – The Ideal Breakfast for Schoolchildren

Children need a healthy breakfast. Often, it is not so easy to reach the right compromise with your children. Healthy foods are frequently rejected. With the right recipes and combinations,...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Oatmeal – The Ideal Breakfast for Schoolchildren

Children need a healthy breakfast. Often, it is not so easy to reach the right compromise with your children. Healthy foods are frequently rejected. With the right recipes and combinations,...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Hafer und Vollkorn machen Kinder fit

Oats and Whole Grains Make Children Fit

Foods made from oats and whole grains form the basis for a healthy, child-friendly diet as well as a nutritious breakfast. They contain vital, health-promoting vitamins, minerals, proteins, fiber, and...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Oats and Whole Grains Make Children Fit

Foods made from oats and whole grains form the basis for a healthy, child-friendly diet as well as a nutritious breakfast. They contain vital, health-promoting vitamins, minerals, proteins, fiber, and...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Getreide in der Kinderernährung - was ist empfehlenswert?

Cereals in Children's Nutrition – What is Recom...

Do you want your child to start the day with a healthy breakfast? Then you clearly need grain. Grain is a staple food. Semolina porridge is often the first porridge...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Cereals in Children's Nutrition – What is Recom...

Do you want your child to start the day with a healthy breakfast? Then you clearly need grain. Grain is a staple food. Semolina porridge is often the first porridge...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Cerealien zum Frühstück für Kinder - Wie gesund sind sie wirklich

Cereals for Breakfast for Kids – How Healthy Ar...

When we think of cereal, we often have a certain image that arises in our minds. For example, we are thinking about healthy muesli, which traditionally consists of unsweetened flakes...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Cereals for Breakfast for Kids – How Healthy Ar...

When we think of cereal, we often have a certain image that arises in our minds. For example, we are thinking about healthy muesli, which traditionally consists of unsweetened flakes...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Ohne Frühstück in die Schule - Kinderernährung

No Breakfast at School – Child Nutrition

A healthy breakfast for children in the morning is the key to successful learning at school. The fact that breakfast has a positive effect on children's learning performance has been...

Alexandra Wiesinger

No Breakfast at School – Child Nutrition

A healthy breakfast for children in the morning is the key to successful learning at school. The fact that breakfast has a positive effect on children's learning performance has been...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Mein Kind will nicht Frühstücken, was kann ich tun?

My Child Does Not Want to Have Breakfast. What ...

We all know from experience that we sometimes wake up with a strong appetite in the morning and would like to whistle for breakfast. Of course, we understand that breakfast...

Alexandra Wiesinger

My Child Does Not Want to Have Breakfast. What ...

We all know from experience that we sometimes wake up with a strong appetite in the morning and would like to whistle for breakfast. Of course, we understand that breakfast...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger