Weight loss

The two most important factors when it comes to losing weight in a healthy way are a healthy diet and physical activity. In our magazine, we give you lots of tips on how to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way with a healthy breakfast and physical activity.

Weight loss

So helfen Heidelbeeren beim Abnehmen

How blueberries help you lose weight

Blueberries help you lose weight because they are low in calories, high in fibre and full of antioxidants. They stabilise blood sugar levels, aid digestion and stimulate fat burning. Whether...

Dominik Wendl

How blueberries help you lose weight

Blueberries help you lose weight because they are low in calories, high in fibre and full of antioxidants. They stabilise blood sugar levels, aid digestion and stimulate fat burning. Whether...

Dominik Wendl
Essen To-go kalorienarm

Takeaway food – how to avoid calorie bombs on t...

Making low-calorie food for on-the-go often sounds easier than it is. Many seemingly healthy options, such as smoothies or salads, are calorie bombs full of added sugars or fat. But...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Takeaway food – how to avoid calorie bombs on t...

Making low-calorie food for on-the-go often sounds easier than it is. Many seemingly healthy options, such as smoothies or salads, are calorie bombs full of added sugars or fat. But...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Zimt Vorteile

Is cinnamon healthy? You should know these 7 be...

Cinnamon is one of the oldest and most popular spices in the world. It not only gives many dishes a warm and sweet aroma, but has also been valued in...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Is cinnamon healthy? You should know these 7 be...

Cinnamon is one of the oldest and most popular spices in the world. It not only gives many dishes a warm and sweet aroma, but has also been valued in...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Zimt Blutzuckerspiegel

That is why cinnamon regulates blood sugar levels.

Cinnamon is much more than just a Christmas spice. Studies show that cinnamon can have positive effects on blood sugar levels and help to stabilise them. But how exactly does...

Nadine Palmetshofer

That is why cinnamon regulates blood sugar levels.

Cinnamon is much more than just a Christmas spice. Studies show that cinnamon can have positive effects on blood sugar levels and help to stabilise them. But how exactly does...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Abnehmgewürz Zimt – Ist Zimt wirklich ein Fatburner?

Slimming spice cinnamon – is cinnamon really a ...

Cinnamon is particularly known for its unique flavor. But did you know that cinnamon can also be helpful for weight loss and is considered a true fat burner? We will...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Slimming spice cinnamon – is cinnamon really a ...

Cinnamon is particularly known for its unique flavor. But did you know that cinnamon can also be helpful for weight loss and is considered a true fat burner? We will...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Wie viele Kalorien hat Hafermilch?

How many calories are in oat milk?

Oat milk is a popular milk alternative with a variable calorie content, depending on ingredients such as oat flakes, water and additives such as oils or sweeteners. Compared to cow's...

Dominik Wendl

How many calories are in oat milk?

Oat milk is a popular milk alternative with a variable calorie content, depending on ingredients such as oat flakes, water and additives such as oils or sweeteners. Compared to cow's...

Dominik Wendl
Cholesterinwerte Tabelle

Cholesterol Values Chart: A Comprehensive Guide

Our blog post provides a comprehensive overview of cholesterol, including reference values and tips for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. With a focus on diet, exercise and weight management, we offer...

Dominik Wendl

Cholesterol Values Chart: A Comprehensive Guide

Our blog post provides a comprehensive overview of cholesterol, including reference values and tips for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. With a focus on diet, exercise and weight management, we offer...

Dominik Wendl
Lebensmittel Blutzuckerspiegel

Which foods are bad for blood sugar levels?

A blood sugar-friendly diet, rich in fiber and healthy fats, helps to keep blood sugar levels stable. Foods such as legumes, whole grains and vegetables are good options. Avoid foods...

Dominik Wendl

Which foods are bad for blood sugar levels?

A blood sugar-friendly diet, rich in fiber and healthy fats, helps to keep blood sugar levels stable. Foods such as legumes, whole grains and vegetables are good options. Avoid foods...

Dominik Wendl
Eignen sich Bananen zum Abnehmen?

Are bananas good for losing weight?

Bananas are one of the most popular types of fruit worldwide – whether as a snack, in porridge, muesli or smoothies. But when it comes to losing weight, you are...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Are bananas good for losing weight?

Bananas are one of the most popular types of fruit worldwide – whether as a snack, in porridge, muesli or smoothies. But when it comes to losing weight, you are...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger

Lose weight with apples: the apple diet

Is the apple diet an effective way to lose weight? In this article, we'll explore the world of apples and discover how they can help us stay healthy and lose...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Lose weight with apples: the apple diet

Is the apple diet an effective way to lose weight? In this article, we'll explore the world of apples and discover how they can help us stay healthy and lose...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Abnehmen mit Matcha

Is matcha suitable for losing weight?

Matcha, the green tea from Japan, has conquered the world and is particularly popular with those looking for a delicious way to lose weight. But how effective is green tea...

Nadine Palmetshofer

Is matcha suitable for losing weight?

Matcha, the green tea from Japan, has conquered the world and is particularly popular with those looking for a delicious way to lose weight. But how effective is green tea...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Datteln - ein gesunder Begleiter beim Abnehmen?

Datteln – ein gesunder Begleiter beim Abnehmen?

Despite their high calorie content, dates can be a useful companion for those losing weight, as they contain satiating fiber and help keep blood sugar levels stable. Their natural sweetness...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Datteln – ein gesunder Begleiter beim Abnehmen?

Despite their high calorie content, dates can be a useful companion for those losing weight, as they contain satiating fiber and help keep blood sugar levels stable. Their natural sweetness...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
kalorienarmes gesundes Frühstück

5 tips for a healthy and low-calorie breakfast

For those who want to start the day full of energy, a healthy low-calorie breakfast is just the thing. It gets you going in the morning and can also help...

Nadine Palmetshofer

5 tips for a healthy and low-calorie breakfast

For those who want to start the day full of energy, a healthy low-calorie breakfast is just the thing. It gets you going in the morning and can also help...

Nadine Palmetshofer
Kalorien in Haferflocken

How many calories are in oatmeal?

Oats are the local superfood and a very popular breakfast for many people. No matter if you are an athlete or just someone who wants to eat healthier, oats in...

Dominik Wendl

How many calories are in oatmeal?

Oats are the local superfood and a very popular breakfast for many people. No matter if you are an athlete or just someone who wants to eat healthier, oats in...

Dominik Wendl
Abnehmen mit der Haferflocken-Diät – wie funktioniert die Haferdiät?

Lose weight with the oatmeal diet

The oatmeal diet involves eating about 250 grams of oatmeal throughout the day. The aim of the diet is to lose weight without going hungry or suffering from a lack...

Dominik Wendl

Lose weight with the oatmeal diet

The oatmeal diet involves eating about 250 grams of oatmeal throughout the day. The aim of the diet is to lose weight without going hungry or suffering from a lack...

Dominik Wendl
Grundumsatz berechnen: Wie viele Kalorien braucht man am Tag?

Calculate your basal metabolic rate – your dail...

You can find out how many calories your body needs with the basal metabolic rate. To do this, you first need to understand how your basal metabolic rate is made...

Alexandra Wiesinger

Calculate your basal metabolic rate – your dail...

You can find out how many calories your body needs with the basal metabolic rate. To do this, you first need to understand how your basal metabolic rate is made...

Alexandra Wiesinger
Alexandra Wiesinger
Darmflora stärken - Vorteile Haferflocken

Gut flora in focus – the benefits of oats

Oats are a high-fiber food and a natural source of prebiotics and probiotics. They promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut, improve digestion and support a healthy intestinal...

Dominik Wendl

Gut flora in focus – the benefits of oats

Oats are a high-fiber food and a natural source of prebiotics and probiotics. They promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut, improve digestion and support a healthy intestinal...

Dominik Wendl
Schnell abnehmen mit diesen 13 Top Tipps

Lose weight quickly with these top 13 tips

When it comes to losing weight, very few people are really patient. It's especially important to lose weight quickly before summer, when the extra kilos are more noticeable. We'll show...

Nicolas Dworak

Lose weight quickly with these top 13 tips

When it comes to losing weight, very few people are really patient. It's especially important to lose weight quickly before summer, when the extra kilos are more noticeable. We'll show...

Nicolas Dworak