Basically, a healthy breakfast is an important meal in the sports diet that you should not miss. Whether you like to exercise after getting up or prefer to take it slow, don't start the day on an empty stomach .
or oatmeal is
perfect for a healthy start to the day
and also contributes to a balanced diet. With their nutritional values and satiating properties, oatmeal
is perfect
for athletes. They are a
particularly good breakfast before training
both in the
and in the oatmeal.
Breakfast before or after training?
If you like to do sports in the morning, you can easily run out of time. As a result, it’s common for breakfast to be taken standing up before the workout, or even omitted altogether. Basically, oatmeal is prepared quickly .
Simply put the oatmeal in a pot with water or milk , boil briefly and let it swell with constant stirring until it has reached the right consistency. Then add a pinch of salt and enhance it with berries ( cranberry ), fresh fruit, dried fruit, nuts ( cashew ) and seeds ( chia seeds ). Spices such as cinnamon or ginger also complement it well.
Especially when exercising , you should ensure that you do not start the day with an empty stomach . Overnight, the carbohydrate stores are depleted, and protein synthesis is in full swing. As a result, the energy demanded during sporting activity is running low.

So what do you do? Take special care to eat enough carbohydrates. With regular food intake, you can help with that. Long-chain carbohydrates , such as those found in oats , are best suited to provide the body with long-lasting energy .
Therefore, you should ensure that you eat an appropriate breakfast before exercising. When choosing breakfast, consider the time between eating and exercising. The less time there is between eating and exercising, the smaller and lower-fat the meal should be. Also, make sure to drink enough.
In addition, it makes sense to consume short-chain carbohydrates , as they provide the body with energy that can be utilized quickly . Fruits or dried fruits are particularly suitable, which are also an ideal companion for muesli or porridge before exercise. And if you need to go quickly, overnight oats are the perfect alternative to warm porridge .
Porridge provides a lot of energy
Porridge is made from nutritious oatmeal, making it an ideal energy source and the perfect pre-workout meal. A long-lasting energy supply is guaranteed thanks to the complex carbohydrates – and thus oatmeal helps in achieving personal goals.
So it is no surprise that athletes like to consume porridge before exercising. There are even special Sport Porridge mixtures available, which can be quickly and easily prepared by hand.
Oatmeal provides a quick feeling of fullness thanks to its complex carbohydrates and a variety of fiber. In addition, they enhance fat burning – so they are the perfect breakfast for athletes, not only in terms of energy replenishment.

Proteins in oats are good for building muscle
Oatmeal stands out not least for its high protein content. The small flakes are real powerhouses, as 100 grams of oats provide around 14 grams of protein. This makes the grain one of the most protein-rich plant foods of all time and is perfect for building muscle .
The human body not only needs proteins for various metabolic processes but also to strengthen the muscles. Vegetable proteins found in vegetables or grains are also cholesterol-free and contain unsaturated fatty acids .
In addition, they offer satiating fiber that also promotes digestion . So they provide strength and performance across the board – not just as food before exercise.

For which sports is porridge best suited for breakfast?
Oatmeal is generally an excellent choice as a morning meal before exercise, no matter what sport it is . As the main ingredient of porridge, oatmeal contains numerous important vitamins as well as fiber and minerals.
In addition, there are folic acid, antioxidants, and a perfect combination of high protein and low fat content, making it suitable for hobby athletes and professionals alike. The high proportion of silicon is particularly important for athletes . This trace element strengthens connective tissue, cartilage, and bones . This benefits both endurance and strength athletes.
So whether you’re hitting the weights or prefer to run an extensive lap, oatmeal and porridge are guaranteed to provide your body with the right nutrition before exercising.
Do you already know your BMI value?
It does not matter whether you want to lose weight, just want to do something for your health, or are currently engaged in muscle-building training. The Body Mass Index is often the first measurement that shows you whether you have your body weight under control.
Here you can calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index) in a few seconds and find out the background of this value.
Sport-Porridge by Verival
Now we know that oatmeal or porridge is the ideal pre-exercise breakfast. If you exercise regularly, possibly even daily, it might be that regular oatmeal becomes too monotonous for you at some point. But that doesn’t have to be the case. Another advantage of oatmeal is that it can be prepared and combined in a particularly versatile way.

The sport oatmeal from Verival , for example, impresses with a mix of bananas, dates, linseed, maca powder, sunflower & pumpkin seed protein powder, all enhanced with chocolate produced in Austria. This mixture tastes delicious and offers you the ideal energy supply in the morning and as a pre-workout meal .