More and more foods carry an organic seal – but are organic products actually better, or is it just a promotional stylistic device? And are there any products that you should definitely buy in organic quality ? You can find answers to these questions and much more about organics in this blog post.
What is organic, anyway?
Organic products may only be referred to as such if they meet certain guidelines. These differ slightly depending on the seal, but the term "organic" within the European Union is protected and precisely defined in the EU Organic Regulation . This ensures that all goods labeled as organic products are actually of organic quality.

To ensure that the production process complies with guidelines and legal requirements, there is a strict control system . Companies that distribute organic food are inspected at least once a year by an independent, state-authorized, and accredited inspection body . If all the required standards are met, the company receives a corresponding test certificate with a validity of one year.
What organic seals are there, and what do they signify?
Probably the most important organic seal within the European Union is the EU organic logo. The EU organic logo has been a mandatory label for all organic products since 2010. Foods with this organic seal have been produced according to the guidelines of the EU organic regulation and are guaranteed to have organic quality.
Other important seals, which can occasionally be seen on packages in addition to the EU organic logo, are, for example, the German organic seal , the AMA organic seal and the Bio AUSTRIA logo . However, these seals require adherence to the already strict guidelines of the EU Organic Regulation and may only be attached to the product in addition, provided that they meet the guidelines of the EU and those of the organic associations.

However, you should be careful with terms such as " from controlled cultivation ", "from environmentally friendly agriculture", and "from natural cultivation". These promises are mere phrases that serve as advertising purposes and do not indicate actual organic products . Therefore, if you want to buy organic food, you should always pay attention to the terms "organic" or "ecological", which are protected in the EU!
Are organic foods actually healthier?
Organic foods are GMO-free and contain fewer value-reducing ingredients . These include, for example, chemical-synthetic phytochemicals, pesticides, antibiotics, and heavy metals. Thus, they can be classified as healthier for these two reasons alone.
In addition, they have particularly high amounts of vitamins and minerals as well as a greater variety of phytochemicals . This results in increased antioxidant properties , allowing your body to better fight free radicals and oxidative stress. Thus, organic products are an important component of your healthy diet.
Which foods should I buy in organic quality?
In general, you should use organic products whenever possible. This applies to fruits and vegetables as well as all other products in the daily diet. Whether cereals, milk, dairy products, or meat, you should always pay attention to organic quality if you want to do something good for your body and the environment.
Fruits and vegetables in particular benefit from organic cultivation . Because they do not use chemical-synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, they have a higher proportion of micronutrients . In particular, the content of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals should be highlighted. Thus, the proportion of antioxidants is particularly high, which in turn helps us to reduce oxidative stress and maintain our health .
But you should also pay attention to the appropriate quality of cereals and products made from cereals. Because here, too, the use of pesticides is prohibited and exposure to heavy metals is reduced. In addition, the organic products still shine with healthy fiber and a variety of vital micronutrients. For these reasons, we have decided to use only organic ingredients for our products in order to not only stand out in terms of taste but to pamper our customers with only the best ingredients.
Conclusion: Is organic better?
Organic food can generally be classified as healthier in terms of environmental aspects and nutritional properties . This is partly because they are GMO and pesticide-free, and partly because they contain a higher proportion of micronutrients and, in particular, antioxidants. In addition, they are less heavily contaminated with heavy metals, and antibiotics are also excluded during production. All in all, you can only benefit from it 😉