Hot breakfast is a tradition in many cultures. From Ayurvedic teachings to Traditional Chinese Medicine, a warm meal is a cornerstone. And rightly so. Hot breakfasts, such as porridge , bring a whole host of health benefits for you and your body. We will take a closer look at exactly what these are in this post.
Hot breakfast with organic porridge
Eating a hot breakfast might sound a bit strange to some people. However, those who are used to only eating warm meals at lunchtime are missing out on a lot. Hot breakfast not only tastes good but is also lighter on the stomach. What else it does in the body and what benefits warm food brings in the morning will be discussed in detail later.
For all those who rarely eat a hot breakfast: What does a hot meal in the morning look like? If you’re thinking of warm milk with cornflakes, you are getting closer to the idea – but in fact, there are numerous recipe ideas that not only come together quickly but also taste particularly good.
Porridge, for example, is ideal as a hot breakfast. The oatmeal is traditionally prepared with hot water or milk. Whether you use hot water in the porridge preparation and let the oats steep, or whether you boil the delicious mixture with milk – the result is the same. A tasty and easily digestible start to the day.
Hot breakfast in TCM
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), breakfast is often referred to as the heart of nutrition. This is because, according to TCM, the stomach is most active between 7 and 9 AM. Therefore, it makes sense to offer the first meal to the body at this time.
Just as important as when, however, is what in TCM. This is where hot breakfast comes in. By warming your food in the morning, for example when preparing a porridge, you are doing your stomach a big favor. Hot breakfast according to TCM means that your body no longer has to warm up the food but receives it directly as it needs it.
6 good reasons for a hot breakfast
Hot breakfast is popular not only in traditional Chinese medicine – even athletes swear by it. We will now take a look at the benefits of hot breakfast for athletes and why it could be good for you. We have identified six reasons why a hot breakfast should be part of your daily diet.

1. Activates the metabolism
When looking at the functions of a hot breakfast from the TCM point of view, you should always pay attention to the so-called internal organ clock. According to this, the stomach works most actively between 7 and 9 AM. A breakfast during this period is therefore extremely beneficial.
Now that the stomach has made its contribution to digestion, it is the spleen's turn according to TCM. It converts food into energy (qi). If you keep the TCM organ clock in mind when planning your meals, you can activate your metabolism in a targeted manner, benefiting from increased well-being and sufficient energy.

2. Improves nutrient absorption
Certain nutrients are difficult for the body to absorb when raw. Especially with plant-based foods, it is advisable to warm them briefly. This is because the cellulose present in the plant cell walls cannot be broken down by humans.
By heating the food, however, the cellulose is broken down quickly, allowing nutrients, such as vitamins, to be better absorbed.
3. Provides long-lasting energy
Your hot breakfast no longer needs to be warmed up by your body, which saves you energy. In addition, a warm organic porridge , for example, provides long-lasting energy.
Due to the complex carbohydrates and fiber contained in the oats, absorption into the bloodstream is well-paced, and the energy is only gradually released. This way, you have enough energy for a long time and do not need to fear energy drops.
4. Optimizes your blood sugar levels
If you enjoy your breakfast, for example, porridge, warm, the fiber in the oats swells and can thus develop its full effect. This means it slows down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, ensuring stable blood sugar levels. This can not only prevent diabetes and obesity, but also curb food cravings.

5. Easily digestible
When you warm up your first meal of the day, your body no longer needs to bring the food to operating temperature. This allows the food to be processed faster and is lighter on the stomach. This ensures that you feel well-satiated but not overcrowded or bloated.
6. Hot breakfast strengthens your immune system
Your body's defenses depend on a functioning gastrointestinal system. If this does not work properly, fewer nutrients are absorbed, and you become more susceptible to infections. If, on the other hand, the food is easy to digest, and the nutrients can be optimally absorbed, a hot breakfast can strengthen your immune system.
To maximize the health benefits of a hot breakfast, be sure to make this warm meal a habit. This way, you become well-rehearsed, have tasty recipes at hand, and ensure a healthy gastrointestinal tract in the long term. This, in turn, ensures long-lasting energy and a robust immune system.