Porridge , porridge , oatmeal – The world-famous cereal dish is known by many names and is prepared in different ways. However, the oatmeals have in common that they are full of nutrients that provide strength and energy for the day.
If you are interested in learning more about the power breakfast, then read here why the healthy breakfast with oats can enhance your life and give you long-lasting strength and energy.
What is porridge and where does the healthy trendy breakfast come from?
While oatmeal has gained a reputation as a trendy breakfast these days, this hasn't always been the case. The oat dish originated in Scotland, where it was primarily consumed by working-class families.
For a long time, porridge was considered a meal for families who could not afford a better breakfast. However, this reputation is rightly a thing of the past, because porridge is more than a cheap breakfast substitute.
In general, oatmeal, which has become particularly popular in the USA under the name Oatmeal, is made from oatmeal with water or milk. Porridge with milk is creamier, porridge with water is lower in calories. Is porridge with milk healthier or with water ?
The porridge is then completed with various toppings such as fruits, nuts, seeds and more.
Combinations with berries such as raspberries, strawberries, currants, blackberries, or blueberries are popular. Seeds such as chia seeds also belong in the daily bowl of porridge for many oat friends.

Porridge recipe:
- 50 g oatmeal
- 250 ml milk (you can of course use a milk alternative or water instead of cow's milk)
- 1 pinch of salt
Briefly roast the oatmeal in a pan
Place the roasted oatmeal in a small pot together with the liquid
Cook on medium heat and let it boil with constant stirring until a pasty consistency is achieved
Season with a pinch of salt
Add any toppings such as fruits, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, spices,...
Where does porridge get its power from?
The fact that porridge can be prepared in a variety of ways is just one of the many advantages that make this cereal the perfect hot breakfast.
The warmth of the porridge is already the first advantage of a healthy breakfast. Warm dishes can be digested better and more gently by our body.
However, if you prefer to eat your porridge cold or want a refreshing breakfast in the summer, you can prepare the porridge in the evening and store it in the refrigerator overnight.
Known as Overnight Oats , this breakfast can add variety to your morning oatmeal.

The oatmeal contains numerous nutrients such as proteins, minerals, and vitamins. These help with digestion and provide your body with the energy it needs for the day.
Depending on how the porridge is prepared, the different toppings also add even more vitamins and nutrients.
Fresh berries and fruits such as apples, bananas, strawberries, or raspberries are delicious options to add vitamins to the breakfast porridge.
Nuts and seeds, such as the frequently-used chia seeds or flaxseeds, also add minerals and vitamins as well as healthy fats and plant-based proteins into the nutritious mix.
The oats in the porridge contain healthy carbohydrates and fiber
Even though carbohydrates have a bad reputation these days, they are by no means as bad as often thought.
The carbohydrates found in oats are known as complex carbohydrates and are digested more slowly than simple carbohydrates such as refined sugar.
As a result, they do not cause a rapid spike in blood sugar; rather, they help maintain balanced blood sugar levels.
Due to both the complex carbohydrates and the fiber in the porridge, which ensures good digestion, oatmeal keeps you full and provides you with many important nutrients and vitamins until your next meal.
Porridge oats are rich in protein, iron, and vitamin B
Compared to other cereals, oats are rich in protein . 100 grams of oatmeal already contain 12 to 15 grams of protein.
If you prepare your porridge with milk, you can transform the oatmeal into a true power breakfast full of protein. Iron and vitamin B are also nutrients and vitamins present in oats.
While iron aids in blood formation, vitamin B supports the immune system. This makes oats a genuine health booster that is packed with energy and vitality.

How to start the day with porridge full of strength and energy
If you are now convinced of the benefits of oats, then make it your daily breakfast. The variety of porridge products in the Verival Shop is so extensive that there is something for every taste.
If you fancy something fruity, then the apricot-strawberry spelt porridge or the apricot-honey porridge may be the right choice.
Athletes can also find a healthy and warm breakfast with the Sport Porridge chocolate banana. If you are open to an unusual but surprisingly tasty combination, the Broccoli Porridge is the right choice.
Oats have a positive effect on beauty
Even those who place great importance on their appearance can benefit from a bowl of porridge in the morning. Oats contain biotin, which promotes healthy skin as well as strong nails and hair.
Additionally, oatmeal can also be a true miracle cure for the weight-conscious.
Due to the fact that the complex carbohydrates prevent blood sugar levels from rising, an oat breakfast keeps you full for a long time and can therefore aid in weight loss.
Furthermore, it is rich in vitamins and proteins, which are essential for the body, whether in endurance sports or strength training.
So if you are striving to achieve your dream body through exercise and nutrition, choosing a healthy porridge for breakfast is the right decision.