Numerous myths revolve around wheat as a food, because the widespread grain is said to be unhealthy and also makes you fat .
It is not only said to cause digestive problems and associated abdominal pain due to the gluten it contains, but is also suspected of promoting a wide variety of diseases.
Especially due to the boom of low carb and gluten-free diets, the grain has fallen into the fire of criticism and is now being banned from their diet by more and more people.
Since wheat is mainly consumed as flour in bread, pastries and the like, this is also reflected in our breakfast preferences. In addition to wheat rolls, other cereals are now also enjoying great popularity and variety is finding its way onto the breakfast tables of the world.
But what is actually behind the myths surrounding the grain? Here's how unhealthy wheat really is:
Basic food wheat
Fresh rolls in the morning, pasta for lunch and a bread meal for dinner – wheat is undisputedly a staple food and is even eaten by many several times a day. No wonder, because besides corn and rice, wheat is one of the most cultivated cereals in the world .
In general, the grain is considered to be well digestible . So if you have a sensitive stomach, wheat is a good choice.
Since wheat produces particularly high yields, the flour obtained from it is nowadays particularly popular for foods such as bread, pasta or cakes. In order to ensure the highest possible yield, conventional agriculture relies on so-called high-performance wheat .

However, since this high-yielding species is also particularly susceptible to fungal attack ,chemical spraying agents are regularly used to prevent this. In addition, the grain needs large amounts of water to thrive. Unfortunately, this means that high-performance wheat is also considered an environmental sinner.
In organic agriculture , on the other hand, more robust varieties of the popular grain are used and chemicals are largely dispensed with. This not only benefits our health, but also the environment.
Wheat vs. other cereals
If you look at the nutrient composition of the different cereals, you can see that they all consist predominantly of carbohydrates , contain little fat and provide a bit of protein. This applies to primary cereals such as oats, spelt, rye and the like as well as to wheat.
The following table provides an overview of the distribution of macronutrients in various cereals per 100 grams:
Calories | Carbohydrates | Protein | Fat | |
Wheat | 326 kcal | 60 g | 11 g | 2g |
Spelt | 331 kcal | 60 g | 14 g | 2g |
Einkorn | 320 kcal | 62 g | 19 g | 3g |
Bucket | 325 kcal | 62 g | 15 g | 3g |
Oats | 351 kcal | 56 g | 11 g | 7 g |
Barley | 334 kcal | 63 g | 10 g | 2g |
Millet | 363 kcal | 69 g | 11 g | 4 g |
Corn | 331 kcal | 65 g | 9 g | 4 g |
Rye | 326 kcal | 61 g | 10 g | 2g |
Rice | 351 kcal | 75 g | 9 g | 1g |
In the table, you can see that there are no major differences between the individual cereals either in the number of calories or in the distribution of macronutrients. In this respect, it makes little difference whether you choose wheat or opt for another type of grain.

In addition, the grain contains important minerals such as magnesium, potassium and calcium and vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and E. As a whole grain variant, the grain also provides healthy fiber , which not only strengthens digestion, but also keeps our blood sugar constant.
Health myths about wheat
Wheat is considered an unhealthy thickener in many circles and at the latest since low carb is in trend and gluten-free products are becoming increasingly popular, many are avoiding the widespread grain.
Nowadays, mainly the ground grain in the form of wheat flour is used for all kinds of foods and dishes. Whole wheat in its original form is hardly used anymore. However, it is precisely this flour that gives the wheat its bad reputation.
We have shed some light on two particularly persistent myths about cereals:
1. Wheat is unhealthy because it contains hardly any ingredients
It is in every nutrition guide and is one of the top tips when it comes to eating healthier: White wheat flour is best replaced by the supposedly healthier whole grain at every opportunity .
But what's the difference? Both variants have the same amount of carbohydrates and yet whole grain flour is considered healthier. The reason: While the whole grain variant involves grinding the husk of the grain , it is removed for the production of white flour during the grinding process. The peel contains a lot of healthy fiber . Together with these ingredients, the health benefits are also eliminated.

For example, fiber has a positive effect on digestion and also makes you feel fuller for longer.
Also important B vitamins and some minerals are almost exclusively contained in the peel of the grain . For example, white wheat flour is often referred to as empty calories that provide hardly any healthy nutrients.
So it is true that white flour offers less nutrients than the whole grain variety, but it is wrong to make this claim about wheat per se.
2. Wheat may promote diabetes
As already mentioned, cereals are generally very carbohydrate-heavy . However, this is not a bad thing in itself. It becomes unhealthy if you mainly eat "bad" or simple carbohydrates.
Unlike complex carbohydrates, they enter the blood quickly and cause your blood sugar levels to rise rapidly. As a result, your body releases insulin to normalize the level of sugar in the blood.
Since the fiber-rich peel of whole-grain wheat is removed with white flour , the carbohydrates contained in it are these simple and thus "bad" carbohydrates .
If you now consume wheat flour or large amounts of other simple carbohydrates very frequently, through which your body repeatedly releases large amounts of insulin, your body develops insulin resistance and you get sick. This is called type 2 diabetes .

That is, wheat itself is not the problem here , but first the processing into white flour and the excessive consumption of simple carbohydrates . Therefore, it is advisable to use the whole grain variety as often as possible in order to benefit from the health benefits of the grain.
For whom wheat is actually unhealthy
One reason many people avoid wheat is the gluten it contains . This is a natural protein found in many grains. Since gluten intolerance, celiac disease and the like are on everyone's lips, gluten is often blamed for digestive problems.
In people who actually suffer from such an allergy or intolerance , the gluten protein can lead to inflammation in the intestines and thus trigger abdominal pain. In the worst case, eating gluten-containing foods leads to allergic reactions. Those affected should therefore generally avoid wheat or cereals containing gluten or do without them altogether.
However, for those who are not affected , gluten is completely safe and there is no reason to ban gluten-containing products from the diet.
If you suspect you have celiac disease, gluten intolerance or sensitivity, monitor your grain consumption and its effects. However, you should definitely consult a doctor for clear clarification .
For those who should better avoid gluten, VERIVAL offers a wide range of delicious gluten-free breakfast products . Discover our gluten-free porridges and cereals or try our gluten-free recipe tip:

Bircher breakfast in a glass
- 30 g Bircher Porridge
- ½ apple
- 3-4 tbsp. yogurt
- 1 tbsp cinnamon
- Milk
Let the porridge boil briefly with milk or water, turn back the stove and let it steep for about 3 minutes. Then pour into a glass.
Cut the apple into cubes and simmer with a little milk and cinnamon until the apple pieces become a little soft.
Add a few tablespoons of yoghurt, such as Greek or plain yoghurt, to the porridge.
Finally, add the apple pieces as a 3rd layer to the glass and top with a few cashews.
Nutritional values
The real problem: Processed foods with wheat
We state: The wheat grain in its natural form is not healthier or unhealthier than other cereals . Although the white flour grinding process deprives the wheat of healthy nutrients, the flour is still not considered unhealthy.
A major reason why a wheat-free diet is healthier is because of processed foods . Many of them contain wheat . So if you do without wheat, and thus industrially processed products, you will benefit from it in terms of health and probably even achieve customer success.
However, the problem here is not the wheat, but the combination with sugar, fat and other flavour enhancers . Whole-grain or spelt flour is rarely used in pizza, cakes, biscuits and the like, creating the impression that wheat must be the cause of all evil.

Why you can enjoy wheat without hesitation
A closer look at the myths surrounding wheat shows that processed foods , which contain flavor-enhancing ingredients in addition to the grain, are harmful to our health.
Our tips are therefore:
- Consciously opt for wholemeal flour to benefit from the healthy ingredients of the grain.
- Cook and bake as often as possible yourself , because that's how you decide what to put in your food and what not.
- Read the ingredient list of groceries from the grocery store and stay away from products that are high in sugar, unhealthy fats, and flavor enhancers.