An Overview of Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent Fasting , also called alternate-day fasting, allows you to lose weight healthily and thus differs significantly from longer fasts or crash diets. In addition, alternate fasting is easy to integrate into everyday life once you have found the right intermittent fasting method for you. But what is intermittent fasting?
Intermittent fasting is about abstaining from food and caloric drinks for certain periods of time (days or hours). There are different methods of intermittent fasting, where various fasting intervals are observed, such as the 16:8 method, the 5:2 method, alternate-day fasting, and the 2-day diet.
16:8 Intermittent Fasting
In the 16:8 method, you fast for 16 hours and have 8 hours to eat. You can do this by simply skipping a meal, either breakfast or dinner.
With 5:2 fasting, you eat normally for 5 days and fast on 2 non-consecutive days. Alternate fasting describes the alternation of fasting and eating days (e.g., fasting on Monday, eating on Tuesday, fasting on Wednesday, etc.). The 2-day diet is similar to the 5:2 diet , but here the two fasting days follow directly one after the other.
If you want to live a healthy life and prevent long-term consequences that often arise from unhealthy diets, then intermittent fasting may be just right for you. In addition, a few extra pounds may drop off.
Intermittent fasting enables permanent and healthy weight loss. It has been proven that during fasting, a recycling program for cells occurs. This process is called "autophagy." Among other things, this process is also extremely beneficial for the intestinal flora. If you have complaints such as low blood pressure, chronic diseases, excessively high insulin levels, or metabolic diseases such as type 1 or type 2 diabetes, you should consult your doctor before starting intermittent fasting.
As intermittent fasting already suggests, regular food breaks are observed. During these breaks, you should not consume solid food. There are different methods and timings for this.
Intermittent Fasting – What Can Go Wrong with Intermittent Fasting?
Intermittent fasting is actually simple and also means healing fasting. You don't have to count your calorie intake. However, there are certain rules to be observed in order to lose weight. After all, we all want to lose some belly fat. The most common mistakes during the fasting period include:
- Not exercising
- Not paying attention to a healthy diet
- Not drinking enough
- Too much stress

1. Impatience When Losing Weight or Setting Too High Goals with Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting is not a crash diet! It can take up to three weeks for the first visible effects to appear. The body needs time to adjust to the new diet.
Intermittent fasting is a gentle and healthy way to lose weight.
In contrast to diets that promise weight loss success in the shortest possible time, weight loss with intermittent fasting is of long-term duration.
Often we make the mistake of demanding more from our body than it can actually give.

How Long Does It Take to Lose Weight During Intermittent Fasting?
The time it takes to lose weight with intermittent fasting varies from person to person.
The body usually needs two to three weeks to get accustomed to the new diet. Only then do the first visual successes become apparent.
2. Too Little Exercise or Sports
In order to lose weight successfully, it is not only diet that is important. You should also exercise for 30 to 40 minutes two to three times a week. (Global Recommendations on Physical Activity for Health – WHO 1 ). What kind of sport you do is less important. The only important thing is that you find a sport that you enjoy.
Effective fat burning starts faster with endurance sports such as swimming, jogging, or cycling. The gained muscle mass requires more energy and helps you lose weight effectively.
Weight Loss – Why Am I Not Losing Weight Despite Intermittent Fasting?
There can be several reasons why you are not losing weight despite intermittent fasting.
Unhealthy food, too little exercise, and low fluid intake make weight loss difficult. Likewise, a balanced diet must not be forgotten.
Even if you do not eat for 16 hours, you can gain weight with the wrong meals instead of losing weight.

3. Too Few or Too Many Calories During the Fasting Break
Many make the mistake of continuing to eat normally during the eating phase without paying attention to what they eat. Fast food or sweets are not taboo, but if you want to lose weight, they should be consumed infrequently.
Therefore, make sure to eat as healthily as possible during intermittent fasting.
In addition to consuming too many calories, too little calorie intake can also be the reason for a lack of success. Your body then retains fat reserves for protection. Digestion is slowed down by abstaining from food and fat burning is stopped.
The calorie calculator can help you determine your daily calorie requirements to avoid the aforementioned error in intermittent fasting.
4. Unhealthy Food and Nutrition
Health and diets are closely linked. To achieve the greatest success with intermittent fasting, it is advisable to refrain from unhealthy foods.
Make sure to moderate the following foods in your diet:
- White flour products
- Meat and sausages
- Sugar
- Processed foods
- Soft drinks
- Sweets and chips
Instead, utilize whole grains, complex carbohydrates, and protein foods. They provide the body with sufficient energy for successful intermittent fasting. Allowed liquids are calorie-free drinks and black coffee.
5. Lack of Sleep During Intermittent Fasting
Getting enough sleep is important for metabolism and promotes the breakdown of body fat. While we sleep, the body goes without food for a long time.
This is due to the hormone leptin, which triggers satiety. In contrast, ghrelin 3 provides the feeling of hunger.
If you sleep too little, the body produces less leptin and you may experience cravings.
This makes you hungry, even though the body doesn't need any energy right now. Therefore, ensure to sleep between six and eight hours a night.

6. The Wrong Fasting Method for Your Lifestyle
Intermittent fasting can be easily integrated into everyday life, provided it fits your lifestyle. The 16:8 intermittent fasting method consists of 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of eating.
You can divide the 8 hours in which you can eat yourself. Depending on how easy it is for you, you can skip either breakfast or dinner. For example, some find it easier to skip dinner, allowing them to start the next day with a healthy breakfast right away. You can also enjoy your first meal at 10 AM and your last meal at 6 PM.
Besides the 16:8 method, there is also the 5:2 method as another form of intermittent fasting. This involves eating normally for five days and fasting almost completely for two days. On those two days, your caloric intake can range from 1000 kilocalories to just 500 kilocalories. In other words, it’s 5 days of normal eating and 2 days of fasting.
Some find it easier to skip breakfast instead of dinner. You can achieve the best results with the method that suits you best.
7. Counterproductive Stress
Stress puts our bodies into a state of emergency. The body produces large amounts of the stress hormone cortisol.
This hormone increases blood sugar levels and promotes the formation of fat cells on one hand and the breakdown of muscles on the other. It can also lead to the unwanted yo-yo effect.
Your body needs quickly available energy in stressful situations, which is why it resorts to the muscles that are needed for weight loss.
8. Water – Lack of Fluids as a Common Weight Loss Mistake
As with other fasting methods and diets, drinking plenty of water is key to successful weight loss. It is best to consume two to three liters of water or unsweetened tea throughout the day.
Drinking during the meal break reduces the feeling of hunger and promotes the elimination of toxins.
Your body needs fluid to function optimally. If you find it challenging to monitor your fluid intake, a fitness tracker can help.
9. Inconsistency During Fasting
Intermittent fasting requires discipline. If you reach for sweets or chips after a few hours, you reduce your chances of losing weight with the fasting method.
Especially at the beginning, when the biorhythm is out of sync and hunger pains torment you in the evening, it can be challenging to persevere.
Generally, the body quickly adapts to the new diet, and the feeling of hunger subsides.

10. Thinking of Intermittent Fasting as a Diet
A common misconception about intermittent fasting is to view it as a diet and to expect corresponding success.
Any dietary change takes time to observe the effects of fasting and to achieve positive results. It is also important to understand how intermittent fasting works .
Intermittent Fasting and Coffee – What to Keep in Mind
Important to Know: Coffee is allowed during intermittent fasting. Some fasting methods completely avoid all stimulants, including coffee. However, coffee is generally permitted for intermittent fasting as it contains no sugar and effectively no calories, just like tea. This means that you can also enjoy your breakfast coffee as usual during intermittent fasting – but, of course, without milk and sugar!
Intermittent Fasting Experiences
Intermittent fasting is a relatively new concept that has the potential to change our relationship with food.
By taking occasional food breaks and allowing our bodies time to recover, we can increase our energy, promote fat loss, and reduce headaches and feelings of deprivation that often occur when calorie intake is reduced.
"This is an approach I have integrated into my life – under the supervision of my doctor – and it has proven effective. A break from the hustle and bustle of eating has allowed me to reflect on what I’m really hungry for – both emotionally and physically."
Another personal experience from someone who has tried intermittent fasting:
"Intermittent fasting has made a significant difference in my life! For years I doubted my eating habits and struggled with my weight without lasting success. However, since I started intermittent fasting, I feel more energized than ever and have seen fantastic results in my weight loss. I do this by splitting my day into an 8-hour eating window and a 16-hour ‘fasting’ window from 3 PM to 7 AM the next day (fasting simply means I don’t eat anything during this time). What truly motivated me is realizing that this system makes it much easier for me to stick to healthy eating habits without feeling restricted or having to give up delicious foods. Intermittent fasting has proven to be easy to follow and an unexpectedly enjoyable way to achieve my goals – it’s definitely worth trying!"
Everyday Fasting with VERIVAL - This is How Intermittent Fasting Works
At VERIVAL, we offer you an energetic start to the day with our porridge and muesli variations. It provides you with important vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
The advantage: Porridges are excellent for fasting individuals as a delicious and quickly prepared lunch. As an energy-rich and protein-rich food source, the oatmeal ensures that you stay fuller longer after the meal, helping you manage intermittent fasting and fasting more disciplinely.
There are also extensive studies on intermittent fasting methods . The DGE ( German Nutrition Society ) even mentions the life-prolonging effects of alternating fasting.
1.Zhao M, Veeranki SP, Li S, Steffen LM, Xi B. Beneficial associations of low and large doses of leisure time physical activity with all-cause, cardiovascular disease and cancer mortality: a national cohort study of 88,140 US adults. Br J Sports Med . Published online March 19, 2019:1405-1411. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2018-099254
2.Cappuccio FP, Taggart FM, Kandala N-B, et al. Meta-Analysis of Short Sleep Duration and Obesity in Children and Adults. Sleep . Published online May 2008:619-626. doi: 10.1093/sleep/31.5.619
3.Alvarez-Castro P, Pena L, Cordido F. Ghrelin in Obesity, Physiological and Pharmacological Considerations. MRMC . Published online March 1, 2013:541-552. doi: 10.2174/1389557511313040007
Frequently Asked Questions
What Should You Not Eat During Intermittent Fasting?
In principle, you can eat anything during intermittent fasting during non-fasting periods. Nevertheless, you should pay attention to a balanced, healthy diet. One of the most common mistakes in intermittent fasting is eating excessively unhealthy foods at mealtimes. Therefore, fast food, sweets, bad carbohydrates, or other unhealthy foods and drinks should be avoided. Of course, it is allowed to eat a piece of cake from time to time - but everything in moderation.
What Doesn't Interrupt Intermittent Fasting?
Unsweetened beverages such as tea, water, and black coffee without milk do not interrupt intermittent fasting. If you absolutely need some sweetness in your tea or coffee, you can theoretically resort to calorie-free sweeteners such as stevia, erythritol, or xylitol. However, this should only occur rarely and should normally be avoided. This allows the body to get used to unsweetened drinks in the long run.
What Mistakes Can Be Made During Intermittent Fasting?
Impatience or too high goals - first results are only visible from four weeks. Too little exercise - additional exercise is important. Incorrect calorie intake - too many or too few calories slow down success. Too many unhealthy foods - avoid fast food and sweets. Too little sleep - when there is a lack of sleep, you often get cravings. Wrong method (16:8 or 5:2) - the fasting method must fit your everyday life. Too much stress - stress increases blood sugar levels and creates fat cells. Lack of fluid - adequate fluid reduces the feeling of hunger and improves toxin elimination from the body. No consistency - too many exceptions. Consider intermittent fasting only as a diet.
Is Cola Zero Allowed During Intermittent Fasting?
Zero drinks and thus also Cola Zero are not suitable drinks for the fasting phase, as they contain aspartame (an intensive, low-calorie artificial sweetener) which affects insulin levels and, of course, your health. So you should refrain from such drinks when intermittent fasting.
Is It Possible to Change the Times Every Day During Intermittent Fasting?
In principle, you should consistently adhere to the meal and fasting windows. However, if there is a special occasion that requires shifting by 1-2 hours, an exception is not a problem. It is essential that there are not too many such exceptions. The basis should be a stable regularity in your eating times. If you are on vacation for a week and would like to relax the time constraints, that is also possible. You can return to your regular routine after your week off. This will not be a problem, though it may require a little more consistency at first - but your body will appreciate the regularity again!
What Do Doctors Say About Intermittent Fasting?
The potential for weight loss through intermittent fasting is scientifically proven - and it helps against obesity-related diseases such as high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes. Another positive side effect: the organism has less to deal with digestion at night, greatly benefiting sleep quality. However, there are also different opinions among doctors. It is crucial, especially in the case of pre-existing conditions, to discuss with your doctor before starting intermittent fasting. Particularly in the case of cancer, it should be clarified whether intermittent fasting is the appropriate dietary choice.
Is It Healthy Not to Eat for 16 Hours?
Studies show that fasting days and eating breaks (16 hours) have a positive impact on blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, and inflammation levels. Weight reduction can also result from this. Above all, it is about achieving conscious eating. Not continually supplying food to the body for nearly 24 hours – which is not beneficial in any way.
How Long Intermittent Fasting for 10 kg?
There are testimonials from individuals who lost 10 kilograms in three months. It always depends on starting weight, and there is no universally applicable guideline. It is essential not to view intermittent fasting purely as a weight loss program. It is a diet aimed at conscious food intake whose side effect leads to achieving a healthy normal weight.
Can You Really Eat Everything with Intermittent Fasting?
Those who practice intermittent fasting can eat and drink what and how much they want. It is vital to respect the fasting intervals – during these times, people do not eat at all - but drink plenty: ONLY UNSWEETENED beverages like water, tea, and coffee. Sweets, especially fast food, should also be consumed in moderation during intermittent fasting!
Why Not Have Breakfast When Intermittent Fasting?
Depending on which time slot you choose for fasting, you might not start eating until noon. When selecting your fasting window, consider your everyday life and what works best for you. Intermittent fasting must not be accompanied by constraints. If breakfast is an important meal for you, start with it and finish your eating phase earlier.
Can I Eat Fruit During Intermittent Fasting?
Consuming a lot of fruits and vegetables naturally intensifies the positive effects of intermittent fasting. By eating healthy foods, achieving the desired weight reduction can also be easier. Fruits and vegetables should always be included in every menu.
Is It Possible to Interrupt Intermittent Fasting on Weekends?
Of course, you can. You can determine how you design your intermittent fasting. One option is to say that on Saturday and Sunday, you eat without time limits, and from Monday to Friday, you strictly adhere to 16:8. You will find out for yourself what works best for you.
Is Alcohol Allowed During Intermittent Fasting?
Moderate alcohol consumption is entirely acceptable during intermittent fasting. Extremely sugary liqueurs, mixed alcoholic drinks, and very sugary sodas should generally be avoided - not just during intermittent fasting. Classics like wine or beer are not a problem if enjoyed in moderation, of course.