The body mass index (BMI for short) is a guideline that evaluates a person's body weight in relation to their height. Often the question arises: Is my own weight normal weight – what is the normal BMI?
In order to determine and classify the personal BMI value, there is the BMI calculator and the corresponding BMI tables, specifically divided into gender and age groups.
By calculating the BMI value, it can be estimated whether the body weight is in a healthy range or whether underweight or overweight threatens or persists.
What exactly is the BMI (Body Mass Index) table?
If you want to reduce your weight, you usually take a look at the BMI table. There, body weight is assessed on the basis of BMI values, which are generally determined from the ratio of body weight to height.
The values are assigned to different categories from underweight to overweight. Based on the BMI table, you can therefore assess whether your body weight is within a healthy range.
There is also a division into underweight , normal weight , overweight and obesity (severe overweight/ obesity) according to the guidelines of the World Health Organization ( WHO ). In the case of obesity, depending on the weight class, a distinction is still made between three degrees:
- Obesity grade I : From BMI 30
- Obesity grade II : From BMI 35
- Grade III obesity : From BMI 40
The German Society for Nutrition also divides into these different categories. There are minimal (name) differences in the exact classification.
How do I calculate my BMI value?
To calculate your BMI yourself, you need your current body weight and your exact height. Then you add these two values to the BMI formula: BMI = body weight in kg / (height in m)².
If a man weighs 80 kg and is 1.75 m tall, his BMI is 26.1 and thus in the normal range.
The personal BMI can also be easily determined using the BMI calculator.
Which BMI value is ideal?
Physical differences between men and women must be taken into account when calculating the BMI to correctly assess body weight.
BMI table – Which BMI in women?
What is the normal BMI? If you are struggling with the pounds or aiming for your personal ideal weight, you want to know where you stand.
The optimal BMI for women is between 19 kg/m² and 24 kg/m². Values below 19 kg/m² indicate underweight, while values above 24 kg/m² indicate overweight.

What is a good BMI for men?
Due to the tendency of higher muscle mass in men, the normal range of the BMI value is also slightly higher in this case.
A man has an ideal BMI if his BMI value is between 20 kg/m² and 25 kg/m², indicating that he is in the optimal range of body weight.
Here, too, deviating values above or below the normal limits indicate underweight or overweight.

The BMI table for different age groups
If the BMI is determined in seniors, it is set higher, as smaller fat reserves in the body are advantageous with increasing age. If a disease occurs, the body has more energy depots and endurance.
For this reason, it is even recommended to have a little more weight in old age. At the age of over 65 years, the normal range of the BMI value is between 24 kg/m² and 29 kg/m² and has thus been significantly increased. More details under BMI for women aged 60 and over .
Since children and adolescents are growing and height and weight do not always develop continuously, there is a separate BMI table for this age group.
The BMI table for adults should under no circumstances be used as a measure, at most as a rough estimate, in children and adolescents. If a child is unclear about their weight, you should always consult their paediatrician for safety. In the case of children, the so-called percentiles are used to determine the state of weight.
What does BMI say?
Basically, the BMI indicates whether your weight is in a healthy range. If it is significantly too low, diseases such as anorexia can be the reason for this. A greatly increased BMI is overweight , which is divided into different stages.
In both cases, a doctor must be consulted. Based on the BMI, the individual basic and performance turnover can be calculated, which is required for the creation of training plans or nutritional programs.
The BMI is determined very quickly but still never includes all circumstances. What if an athlete trains hard and has high muscle mass? Depending on the constitution and training condition, each person has an individual body mass; the body composition (muscle mass, body fat percentage) must always be taken into account. For example, if you have a lot of muscle mass, you can have a high BMI without actually being overweight.
What the BMI does not do is make a statement about the distribution of body fat. For example, belly fat is considered to be significantly unhealthier than fat in other parts of the body. In the case of an increased BMI, it often makes sense to take a tape measure and determine the waist circumference.
In such cases, the BMI can be falsified by weight. For this reason, the BMI of athletes should not be overestimated but should be regarded as a practical and rough guideline.
Can a healthy diet help normalize BMI?
A balanced and healthy diet is crucial to normalize weight and thus BMI. This is especially true for people with an increased BMI. Do you know your calorie needs ?
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Frequently Asked Questions
What BMI at what age?
19 - 24 years BMI 19 - 24. 25 - 34 years BMI 20 - 25. 35 - 44 years BMI 21 - 26. 45 - 54 years BMI 22 - 27. 55 - 65 years BMI 23 - 28. Older than 65 years BMI 24 - 29. These values are considered guidelines. Body composition and training condition must always be taken into account.
What BMI at what age women?
Here is an overview of the BMI classification in women from 16 years: 16-24 years: 19-24; 25-34 years: 20-25; 35-44 years: 21-26; 45-54 years: 22-27; 55-64 years: 23-28; from 65 years: 25-30;
What kind of BMI is normal?
The optimal BMI for women is between 19 kg/m² and 24 kg/m². Values below 19 kg/m² indicate underweight, while values above 24 kg/m² indicate overweight. Due to the tendency of higher muscle mass in men, the normal range of the BMI value is also slightly higher in this case. A man with a BMI between 20 kg/m² and 25 kg/m² is in the optimal range of body weight - thus having an ideal BMI! Deviating values above or below the normal limits indicate underweight or overweight. However, it is also important to take age and other constitutional factors into account.
What weight at what height and age?
19 - 24 years BMI 19 - 24. 25 - 34 years BMI 20 - 25. 35 - 44 years BMI 21 - 26. 45 - 54 years BMI 22 - 27. 55 - 65 years BMI 23 - 28. Older than 65 years BMI 24 - 29. These values are considered guidelines. Body composition and training condition must always be taken into account. With older age, it is good if the BMI is slightly higher, so that you have some weight reserves in the event of illness. Otherwise, older people often quickly end up underweight in the event of illness.
How much should you weigh with a height of 1.65?
Here it is also important to distinguish whether you are a man or a woman: For a 1.65 m tall woman, the BMI as a normal weight provides 65 kg. For a man, the weight is about 2-3 kilos higher. In addition, age and body fat distribution also play a role.
What weight at 168 cm woman?
The weight of a healthy middle-aged woman should be between 52.2 kg and 70.5 kg. This is the range of normal weight. Above and below, the range of overweight or underweight begins.
Is BMI dependent on age?
Age is extremely relevant when it comes to weight, as normal weight shifts with age. From around the age of 40, the metabolism of the body changes and the body composition becomes different. As a result, one often increases with age due to metabolism and the recommended BMI also shifts slightly. Of course, there are also people who lose weight in old age. There are also diseases (Parkinson's, diabetes,...) that have special effects on metabolism and thus also on weight. All of this needs to be taken into account.
How much should a woman weigh?
What is the normal BMI? If you are struggling with the pounds or aiming for your personal ideal weight, you want to know where you stand. The optimal BMI for women is between 19 kg/m² and 24 kg/m². Values below 19 kg/m² indicate underweight, while values above 24 kg/m² indicate overweight. An average-sized woman should weigh between 55 and 69 kilograms.
What BMI to be slim?
Between 19 and 24 inclusive, a BMI is an indicator of an ideal weight. Under 19, we are already in the underweight range. Values above 25 indicate obesity.
What is the healthiest BMI?
It has been shown that a BMI between 20 and 25 carries the least risks associated with diseases (cardiovascular) and complaints of the musculoskeletal system. In the long run, even a BMI between 20 and 22 seems to be the most ideal. IMPORTANT: However, doctors prefer slightly higher values for people over 60. Because some reserves are important for possible infections and diseases.