Porridge is the new muesli trend – perfect for breakfast or between meals! The basic ingredients of porridge are oatmeal, mixed with water or milk.
And what else? Fresh fruit, berries, various types of milk, but also chocolate sprinkles and other toppings – there are countless ways to create your perfect porridge . That's exactly what makes porridge a true all-rounder.
The oatmeal provides you with important nutrients to start the day perfectly: it contains proteins, satiating carbohydrates , digestive fiber, muscle-regenerating magnesium, zinc, vitamins, and minerals. This makes your porridge healthy and ideal for breakfast!
But porridge can also become a real thickener if prepared incorrectly! So avoid these 5 mistakes:
The crowd makes the poison
As with all foods, the saying applies to the enjoyment of porridge: "In moderation, not in masses" . The long-chain carbohydrates in oatmeal are extremely important for many functions in our body. But you shouldn't eat too many of them.
In addition, they are an ideal energy supplier, especially if you do sports and use this energy. However, you should only consume as many carbohydrates as your body burns if you do not want to gain weight. You can find out more about this in our article "Daily Carbohydrate Requirements – How Many Can I Eat?"
You're using the wrong toppings
When the base is set, i.e., the oatmeal, it goes to the porridge toppings ! Everyone can let off steam as they please: apples, bananas, berries, almond sauce, chocolate chips, nuts, and so on. However, it should not be forgotten that each topping still brings its own load of calories and should therefore be carefully selected.
For example, berries are a relatively low-sugar way to spice up your porridge. Bananas or grapes, on the other hand, contain a comparatively high number of calories. Healthy oils, such as a teaspoon of linseed oil with plenty of omega-3 fatty acids , can also be a good supplement.

Don't sweeten your porridge too much
Now we have a healthy porridge for breakfast, garnished with delicious toppings, but it's not sweet enough? Caution! Don't be tempted to sweeten your oatmeal too much. Some maple syrup or honey can't hurt and is still better than regular industrial sugar, right?
That may be true, but it's still sugar and can quickly ruin the healthy balance of your breakfast! That's why you should enjoy the sweetness of your toppings instead of sweetening them. You can train your taste buds and get used to less sweet flavors. One way would be to simply reduce the extra sweetness a little every morning.

Pay attention to the ingredients in finished porridge blends
Yes, it can be a bit time-consuming to prepare your own porridge every day. A great alternative is therefore ready-made porridge mixtures, which only need a little milk or water to be ready to enjoy.
But be careful! Always pay attention to the ingredients of these mixtures! Many of them contain hidden extra sugar and thus additional unwanted calories , or other additives for preservation. With organic products, however, you can be sure that no artificial preservatives are used. At Verival, we also pay particular attention to the lowest possible sugar content in our cereal and porridge mixtures.
The wrong milk
Milk is not the same as milk these days! There is cow's milk, oat milk, almond milk, coconut milk, soy milk, and many more. And all this in different variants: full fat, semi-fat, sugar-free, with vanilla or chocolate flavor up to extra sweetened. Here, too, you can easily save calories if you want to.
All milk types have their advantages and disadvantages, but if you don't want to gain weight, there are a few things to consider. For example, cow's milk has a comparatively high-fat content. Grain drinks made from oats, spelt, or rice, for example, tend to be low in fat. As a matter of principle, you should use varieties that contain little fat and no added sugar .

In summary, you should follow these porridge rules: Make the portion only as large as your hunger is. Do not use overly sugary or fatty toppings. Don't sweeten your porridge too much. Pay attention to the ingredients in finished porridge mixtures and use milk or milk alternatives that are not too fatty or contain added sugar.
If you follow these 5 tips, your oatmeal will not become a thickener, but the perfect healthy breakfast that provides you with all the nutrients your body needs!