Interval fasting apps are a dime a dozen these days. Some of them are useless, but others are really very helpful and good. Especially with intermittent fasting, a wide variety of apps can help you, because the concept of intermittent fasting involves a lot of discipline and stamina. Apps with a fasting plan can help you lose weight. Combined with a healthy diet, intermittent fasting can help you lose weight healthily and prevent the yo-yo effect. In today's blog post, we'll tell you which apps are the right ones for intermittent fasting.
Intermittent fasting – read all about it!
We'll take a closer look at the following intermittent fasting apps:
- Intermittent Fasting
- Fastic
- Clear
- BodyFast
- Hirschhausen App
- Fasting Tracker
The biggest challenges of intermittent fasting
Since intermittent fasting has proven to be very helpful for many people in losing weight, the method is now very popular. However, just as with many other diets, there are some basic principles to keep in mind to avoid mistakes when intermittent fasting.
Particularly when it comes to discipline, the success of intermittent fasting is clear. Intermittent fasting can only work if you stick to the prescribed times. The whole system is built on this, which is why iron discipline is really needed.
While the various apps can't help you with the important factor of self-discipline, they can still be useful. For example, another challenge with intermittent fasting is keeping track of the fasting periods. With the right apps, it's easy to see which one you're in.
The many different forms of intermittent fasting are very easy to track with technical tools. With most apps, you'll always have a good overview of your fasting periods, your progress, and your intake.
Your activity level is also important. A healthy diet always includes exercise and movement. Apps are a good way to determine your activity level, which in turn helps you understand how much energy your body needs.
In the following paragraphs, we will discuss the following apps in detail: Interval Fasting, Fastic, Clear, BodyFast, Hirschhausen App and Fasten Tracker.
The best interval fasting apps at a glance
So if you want to start intermittent fasting and get help with an app, there are many great software options available. To make the hurdles of a diet easier for you, it is really recommended to use an app. Whether it's time management, activity levels or help with the right meal plan and choosing the right fasting days, an app makes it easy to find out.
There are a number of apps that can help you with intermittent fasting. All of the apps are a bit different, with free and paid versions; some are exclusive to Android, while others are for both iPhone and Android. The six best apps for intermittent fasting are BodyFast, Fastic, Intervallfasten, Clear, FastenTracker and the Hirschhausen app!
Before you download – what to look for in an intermittent fasting app
Above all, you need extraordinary discipline to lose weight successfully. A good intermittent fasting app should definitely be packed with information about the method so you don't have to fumble around in the dark alone. It should also include recipe ideas, countdowns and customisable push notifications. Extras such as water meters and step counters are also a very welcome addition!
Most apps are available for download from the iOS and Google Play stores. There are distinctions between free and paid apps. Many of the free apps offer in-app purchases so you can expand their range.
Find out more about intermittent fasting!
Paid and free interval fasting apps for iOS and Android
We have now clarified the most important cornerstones for a successful diet and mentioned the various apps. But what makes each app different and which one should you use? We have put together the most important apps for you here:
Intervallfasten (only for Android)
Intervallfasten is the completely free app from Thomas Streitberger and is primarily an informative app. In the app, you will learn everything you need to know about the method. In addition to information about intermittent fasting, the app also offers tips on how to deal with cravings, the significance of fast food when fasting, and also tips on topics such as tea, alcoholic beverages, and much more. You can also create your own personal fasting profile that will help you create a plan. With messages telling you when your fasting and eating phases start, you'll never miss a thing!
Fastic (iOS and Android)
Fastic is basically free and not only supports you in intermittent fasting, it also brings an entire community to the fore. After creating a profile, you can use the app – whether you are a beginner or a pro, the app offers support for every conceivable intermittent fasting method. Whether it's 16:8 for beginners or 12:12 for pros and 23:1 for the hard-boiled, there's something for everyone in Fastic. For the very motivated, the 5:2 method also works – eat for 5 days, fast for 2 days! A built-in pedometer and a drinking reminder make it easier for you to achieve your goals. You can also join groups to make fasting even easier with mutual motivation. If you would like to unlock all of Fastic's features, you can purchase the Fastic Plus subscription.
Clear (iOS and Android)
Clear also starts by defining your profile. You will be asked about your experience with interval fasting, your goals, weight, gender and the time of the last meal of the day. After that, the app will provide you with a fasting plan. You can then change the fasting plan in the app if you are not completely satisfied. The app also offers a lot of information about intermittent fasting in the form of articles. Furthermore, there is a diary and an overview of your previous fasting successes, as well as push notifications when the fasting period begins and ends. This makes it easy to switch between methods and tailor them to your needs. Whether it's 16:8, 12:12 or even 20:4 - there's something for everyone here! There is also a subscription feature for Clear called Clear+, which gives you exclusive access to recipes, articles, a weight curve and countdown notifications.
BodyFast (iOS and Android)
The biggest app when it comes to intermittent fasting is BodyFast. Suitable for beginners and professionals, BodyFast is very easy to use, informative and customisable. Based on information about your body, the app automatically creates a fasting plan for each week. A fasting clock that guides you through the weeks, as well as numerous reminders, help you to lose weight. The ‘Knowledge’ menu provides a wealth of information on the subject of intermittent fasting and is sure to answer any questions you may have on the topic. The app has an integrated coach that helps you fast and motivates you. Unfortunately, this feature is hidden behind a paywall. The basic version of BodyFast is free, but you have to take out a subscription for advanced features.
Hirschhausen app (iOS and Android)
Doctor Eckhart von Hirschhausen has developed an app for his interval fasting method that is easy to use. To get started, it works like other apps. The Hirschhausen method is based on a 7-week diet. The app includes audio units and a lot of background knowledge to help you get started. In addition to the large and extensive range of information, there are also tips for meditation and exercise sheets, as well as motivational exercises and recipes. The basic version of the Hirschhausen app is free of charge, but you need a subscription to access all the content.
Fasten Tracker (iOS and Android)
Fasten Tracker has an appealing design and many functions with many plans – from plans for beginners to plans for fasting professionals. Unfortunately, the app is not yet fully optimised and there are still some translation issues, as the app is not primarily made for the German market. There is no free version of Fasten Tracker. Prices start at $3.99 per month, with an annual subscription available for $19.99.
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Our recipes for success with intermittent fasting
To make sure that intermittent fasting works for you, we have summarised a few tips for you here:
As a beginner you should take it slowly. Intermittent fasting is not ‘all or nothing’. For many people the changeover to intermittent fasting can be difficult, because 16 hours without food is a long time. Our body starts to eliminate harmful cells and bacteria after just 12-14 hours. So: take it easy!
The right method is also very important. You should pay attention to how your body reacts to different methods of intermittent fasting and find the right one for you to get through the day well. It's also not a problem if you occasionally cheat on intermittent fasting or reward yourself after certain periods of your diet.
We have a few more delicious and healthy recipes to help make intermittent fasting easier for you. Porridge and oatmeal in particular make dieting easier to endure because they keep you full for a long time. After all, anticipation is half the fun!
Low-calorie porridge with courgette and oats.
Preparation time: 10 mins.
Total time: 10 mins.
Servings: 1
Calories: 290 kcal
- 40 g oats
- 1/2-1 courgette
- 30 g protein powder (optional: with flavouring)
- 1 tsp coconut flour
- 300 ml water
- 1 pinch of salt
- First grate the courgette. It's best to grate it straight into the pan.
- Then add the oats and the protein powder.
- Next, add the water to the pan and another teaspoon of coconut flour. The coconut flour ensures that the porridge is nice and creamy and helps it to bind.
- Now put your porridge on the stove and cook it over a medium heat for about 7 minutes, stirring well every now and then.
- Once your porridge is creamy, remove it from the heat and let it steep for another 2-3 minutes. Your delicious low-calorie porridge is now ready.
- Of course, you can now refine your porridge with toppings of your choice, such as fresh fruit, nuts or seeds.
Nutritional information
Calories: 290 kcal
Read all about intermittent fasting!
Which intermittent fasting app do you recommend?
There are many different apps for intermittent fasting. We would recommend: BodyFast, Intervallfasten, Fastic, Clear or the Hirschhausen app.
Which app for intermittent fasting is free?
Most apps have a free basic version that is a good way to get started with intermittent fasting. You usually have to pay for advanced features.
Is it healthy not to eat for 16 hours?
The question of whether intermittent fasting is healthy can be answered with a yes. After 12-14 hours, your body begins to excrete superfluous substances from the body, attacks fat reserves and can thus regenerate better. In combination with exercise and a healthy diet, there should be no health concerns!
Is the Hirschhausen app free?
The basic version is free, but you have to take out a subscription for advanced features.