Losing weight – many people do not feel comfortable in their skin and especially around the turn of the year with many New Year's resolutions, many people want to go on a diet. However, not all forms of weight loss are healthy! That's why it's important to choose the right diet for you.
However, this is often difficult due to the large number of different weight loss variants. But what is definitely the best option for us is to pay attention to the right meal right at breakfast – because it is easiest to lose weight at breakfast.
There are many different foods that are healthy for you and help you lose weight. Healthy weight loss should come first. What foods are available and how you can best achieve your perfect, healthy breakfast, we will tell you today!
Healthy breakfast as a weight loss aid
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, scientists agree. Because if you already pay attention to a healthy breakfast, you will automatically lose weight.
A balanced breakfast will help you control your hunger. Oatmeal , for example, is extremely filling and will easily get you through lunchtime without having to eat a big lunch.
Losing weight can be very strenuous in many cases and is not only physically challenging for many people. The psyche can also be affected by severe diets. In general, you should consult your trusted doctor before starting any diet.
We do not believe that dieting and losing weight basically means giving up everything that tastes good: healthy foods help you lose weight naturally.
BMI and losing weight – what does BMI say about you?
BMI is also a hotly debated topic. But what is BMI and what does it really indicate?
BMI , or body mass index , is a metric that calculates a person's weight in relation to their height. By means of a simple equation, it shows whether someone is considered overweight, underweight, or normal weight.
Gender and age are often included in the interpretation of the calculated BMI . For example, the lower and upper limits of normal weight are often higher in men than in women, because they generally have slightly more muscle mass.
With a BMI between 18.5 and 25 , you are officially considered to be of normal weight . If the value is lower, it is called underweight, but if it is higher, it is referred to as overweight. Individuals with a BMI over 30 are classified as obese according to varying degrees of severity.

Which foods in a healthy breakfast make it easier for you to reach your ideal weight?
Fortunately, there are no limits when it comes to breakfast. As long as you make sure to avoid added sugar and eat fresh food, there is no problem.
Fresh fruit, fresh berries, nuts, chia seeds, oatmeal – all these foods are your healthy weight loss aids. With these foods, you automatically take care of your health and your weight! A win-win situation that you can take advantage of at breakfast.
In addition, we have been talking about it for a long time: Hot breakfast is the key to success! This was already known in Traditional Chinese Medicine . But why is hot breakfast so healthy?
By feeding you heated food, you protect your body! It needs less energy – the food is already warm and your body does not have to warm it up extra. This saves you valuable energy in the morning, which you can then use more efficiently. Hot breakfast is also a great aid in losing weight! 😉

Oatmeal as a healthy weight loss aid
Porridge or oatmeal is probably the healthiest breakfast you can prepare. In each of its forms, it is delicious and extremely nutritious. Porridge is based on oatmeal and IS CONSIDERED THE regional superfood! But why is oats so healthy ?
Oats have a high amount of fiber and keep you full for an extremely long time. It also lowers cholesterol levels and prevents cardiovascular diseases. Oats are also good for digestion. Oatmeal helps maintain stable blood sugar levels, making it beneficial for type 2 diabetes. Who would have thought what's in these miracle flakes?

Oatmeal is also full of minerals and vitamins. It is precisely because they can be prepared in so many different ways that they are so popular. Even if this has not always been the case, in recent years Porridge has been working its way to the top of the breakfast mountain. Due to the feeling of satiety that you get from oatmeal, you also lose weight indirectly! This way you consume fewer calories and avoid cravings.
Nuts and seeds make your healthy breakfast perfect
What we know for sure is that nuts perfectly complement your diet and are very healthy. But how do they support your diet? The large proportion of fats, proteins, and fiber in nuts means that you are full for a long time and do not get cravings . So you don't have to resort to unhealthy snacks in between. The nuts reduce the appetite for sweets.
Another reason that speaks for almonds, cashews, and Co. is that the body does not actually absorb all the calories from the nut. Macadamia and Brazil nuts are especially important for a low-carb diet, as these two contain the least carbohydrates.
Eating chia seeds is also said to help with weight loss. Chia seeds have a satiating effect because they swell in the stomach and intestines. Chia seeds can absorb many times their own weight in water. For this reason, they are often processed into a pudding or used as a substitute for animal binders.
Berries as the best topping for your healthy breakfast
Berries are not only the perfect topping for any form of your breakfast, but they are also very healthy! Vitamin C promotes protection against free radicals and repairs damaged body cells. The immune system is strengthened, and iron absorption is facilitated.
The minerals contained also have a positive effect on the body . These include calcium, potassium, and iron. Calcium is needed by the body to strengthen bones and teeth.
Potassium is indispensable for muscle and nerve cells. Iron is part of the red blood pigment hemoglobin. It ensures oxygen transport in the body and prevents anemia.
Fiber completes berries' healthy nutritional list. The indigestible plant parts stimulate digestion. In addition, they keep you full for a long time and help counteract cravings.
This makes them great weight loss aids, and they also help you enjoy a delicious and healthy breakfast! Berries are best served on our porridge or in our cereal. Especially on warm porridge, berries are our first choice when it comes to healthy weight loss.